Monday, September 7, 2009

Welcome to My Blog!

Well, after many years of hearing about the joys of blogging, I've decided to join in! I opened my new private practice, Morning Light Counseling, just over a month ago. It has been so gratifying to be able to extend help to others in such a beautiful setting, just a few minutes away from my home and family. I've been a counselor for just over twenty years - but have never enjoyed it more than now!

I also was delighted today, in setting up my gmail and blog, to find out I could create a Google profile online. Check it out ! - it tells a lot about me and my favorite activities in a single page. Ain't technology grand!

Well, that should do it for my first post. I'll be back soon! -- Carrie


  1. Good morning, Ms. Wrigley.

    I just want to take this moment to thank you for your sunshine. You empower others to quench life's fiery darts; you've empowered me to do that.

    LAWhilden - Newfield, NJ

  2. Carrie,

    Do you happen to have a transcript of your talk about Christ Centered Healing from Depression? We can only find the audio and video.

    Eric Heath

  3. Thanks, guys. I'm happy to know that my work has been helpful to you. EHeath, the transcript is coming soon (see my Jan. 2, 2010 entry.) Lots more good info to come!
