Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Online Resource Library Launched This Week!

It's been a joy and a delight the past few weeks to work on my new website, Morning Light This is an online resource library, linking to books, articles, and other resources to help my clients, students, and others in their growth and healing process. The central purpose for the Library is "Helping You Help Yourself - and Those You Love."
In 2005, I recorded a talk on depression for BYU Education week that has been aired many times since then on television and radio. Over the years I have received many requests (including on this blog!) for a written transcript of this talk. I am delighted to announce that this transcript for "Christ-Centered Healing from Depression and Low Self-Worth" is finally available, as a feature online, free of charge, at my new website.
The new site also contains a really cool online Bookstore, powered by, and featuring books I have hand-selected on a range of topics relating to emotional health and relationship building. Lots of other great resources have been also added to the Morning Light Counseling Resource Library - or are soon on their way. Go check it out!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gearing up for 2010!

Well, we made it through the holidays, and are ready to move forward into a new year and a new decade! Hopefully it will be a happy and productive season.

I got a new laptop for Christmas, and am in the process of inventorying my music, handouts, talk transcripts, and other writings to make available online. I've gotten a lot of requests over the years for a transcript of my "Christ-Centered Healing from Depression" talk. That's the first item I hope to post online, once the new site is ready! I'm also planning to create a book resource list that links directly to, to make recommended book purchases for my clients, students, and others easier and cheaper than ever!

I'm also planning to launch a new music website that will allow visitors to browse and purchase my music right online - both sheet music and recordings. There's a huge learning curve associated with these various tasks - but I know 2010 is the time to make it all happen. Happy New Year!